Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Frame of Mind

While watching the various speeches, conventions and political messages this season, its hard not to be somewhat wary. Wary doesn't necessarily have to mean something bad, simply a little different. Speaking generally, both presidential campaigns have tried to frame themselves first and foremost as the peoples' champion. Whether it be through change and new direction or experience and straight talk, each has tried to create a sense authenticity in their arguments and that they are essential if America is to be or remain the "greatest country in the world". I find it interesting that for one of the most polarized and passionate elections in recent history, both campaigns are using almost identical tactics, albeit different messages.


Katrina said...

so true. the next few months should be quite exciting, and living in DC, i'm at the heart of much of the action!

can't wait to read about what you have to say...

Laura said...

I feel like all elections are always idealistic because it gives the people associations to the candidate. But I definitely agree that this year there is more of it! With such pessimism about this current administration, the citizens want to hear more about the future looking up.